Hey everyone!

Jason and I were invited back for the Men Tell All to give an update on how we are doing. It was a pretty exciting weekend, so I thought I would share a bit of it with all of you!

I flew in pretty late on Friday, but Jason was able to fly in at a decent time. Since he had some time to pass until I got in, he met up with an old pal for dinner...which has caused quite a stir in the gossip world this weekend. Deanna and Jason have remained very close friends since her season of the Bachelorette. I have also had the pleasure of becoming a good friend of hers, and she is one of the sweetest people I know. YES, I knew that they were going out for dinner, and YES I was more than okay with that. People got word of their dinner and immediately started stirring the pot with rumors. No need for was simply an innocent dinner among 2 friends. (Just thought I would clear the air)

Once I got in, we all met up for drinks. After catching up with De, we had a few more visitors join us. Holly, Tanner P, Michael, Mike, Sasha, Dave, and Robby all came over to hang out for the night. This was the first time that Jason and I were able to meet Jillian's guys. I still find it crazy that people get excited to meet Jason and I out in public because, I don't see myself as a celebrity. However, I have to say that I was a little star struck when I met all of these guys. I have been following them on TV for a few months, so it was neat to be able to actually talk and hang out with them. I guess I know now what it's like for people to see TV personalities out in public ;)

No matter what you have seen from them on the show, good, bad, or ugly, they are all amazing gentlemen. I don't want to call out my favorties because they are all great...but I will :) Tanner P and Michael are maybe the nicest guys that I have ever met. They are both very engaging and polite. Whoever nabs each of them are two very lucky ladies! The night lasted much longer than it should have, but it was a great time had by all.

Saturday, we were off to the studio to film the Men Tell All. When I was filming the Bachelor, I became very close with most of the producers, so it was so great to see all of them again. Jason and I were MOST excited to see Jillian. We have kept in touch since our season of the Bachelor, but I haven't been able to see her since she got back from filming. Jill looked gorgeous and was glowing, with a huge grin on her face. That tells me she is very happy! I am looking forward to seeing the finale of the show. I don't think she could go wrong with either of the guys left.

As for our part of the show, we just gave a simple update on how were are doing and how life has been since the finale aired. There were no BIG announcements, as some seem to think. They put a cute video together of Jason, Tyler and I out in Seattle. I think it will give all of you a better view of our lives together, outside of the updates and pictures you see here at Jason's place.

We hung around to see the guys segment, as well as Jillian's segment. There was a LOT of bickering from the guys, but I will save those details so you can see for yourselves on the show. After filming ended, we all went to the wrap party. I was able to meet the other guys from the show that weren't with us on Friday night. I was most excited to talk with Jake. I wanted to see for myself if he REALLY is THAT nice is person... he is! That guy is quite a catch. Jake is very well spoken and friendly. He is a sweetheart.

After an eventful weekend in LA, Jason and I were both on a plane, first thing this morning, to head back home. I had a great time meeting everyone, but it was even better being there with Jason. This has been a great month so far because, Jason and I are seeing eachother every weekend. Next week we are headed to Michigan for my cousin's wedding.

It sounds funny that I get so excited to see my boyfriend 3 weekends in a row, right? Well, I can tell you guys that we are both very ready to be living in the same city. Don't worry, you all will be the first to know when it happens.

That's all I have for now. Thank you, as always, for the continued support. I hope you all are enjoying the new site. I think it's amazing, and I am so proud of Jason for all of the hard work he has put into it.

Please keep in touch. I love reading all of your kind messages.

Until next time...



Anonymous said...

Dear Molly,

thanks for this great update! It was really to nice to read about your experiences at the MTA and I am so glad that you and Jason are happy! That is fantastic and I support you both...

Anonymous said...


I am so happy that you and Jason have found something special. Thanks for keeping us all informed.

Anonymous said...

Molly, you deserve so much more, Jason is such a loser.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong- I think you're super sweet... but sometime you are the subject of a sentence and sometimes you are an object- when you are an object you use me instead of I, ex: they put a cute video together of Jason, Tyler, and me.. think of the sentence in your head and then take out the other people to see if you use me or I- you wouldn't say a video of I

Anonymous said...

Jason looks a lot like Mr. Bean. Never could understand why they picked him as the bachlor, he already has one failed marriage and they make him out to be a "catch"?? Molly seems to think she is a celebrity now rather than just another reality show freak which is really funny.

Anonymous said...

If you must insist on going "public" with your match-up diatribe then please, get a stylist to help you with your wardrobe. It is horrific!

Anonymous said...

Nice job last night – you looked great and your comments were down to earth! I’m sorry people were mean to you guys, as I realize how much editing takes place to create the show. I was pulling for Jill last season exclusively, but now have empathy for you as well. You’re right about surviving difficulties – marriage is more about working together as a team through conflict than coasting through high-priced fantasy dates. I really do hope you and Jason get married and he makes it up to you with an awesome, private, and heartfelt proposal - expect nothing less, you deserve it! Love, fellow Midwesterner

chan (: said...

Molly!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!. ur my hero. you're beautiful, sweet, kind, and AWESOME!! where are you living right now? it would be my dream to meet you. i wanted you to win the bachelor and i cried when you didnt, then when jason got back with you i cried cuz i was so happy. tell jason hi for me. he is awesome too and i cant believe that people are mad at him. he is a great guy!! (cute too) thanks.
i love u,

Anonymous said...

Molly and Jason are the best couple.....ever.

If anyone disagrees why are you wasting your time writing about people you don't even like? Don't hate!