It's The Bachelorette Men Tell All Special tonight and Chris Harrison pulls out the hot seat. Chris, Roberto and Frank will not be attending. According to Rated R Justin Rego's Twitter account, he will not be attending the Men Tell All either. Last week, Justin confirmed to us that he will NOT be attending the Men Tell All. Justin tweeted "Like I said the next day when I was eliminated off the show, I will not be doing the men tell all..." Radaronline also gives us some Men Tell All previews. According to Radaronline.com, "Kasey Kahl, whose over-the-top reputation was solidified when he got a tattoo on the show, was also in the hot seat next to host Chris Harrison. “Kasey talked about his tattoo and told everyone he got it for himself. It had nothing to do with Ali. [He said] He would not get a tattoo for a girl,” the source said. Kasey didn’t disappoint, spicing up the end of the five-hour taping of the reunion episode. The funniest part of the evening was actually the very end when Chris Harrison said ‘goodnight’ and Kasey said ‘Wait Chris, just one more thing.’ He went up and sang to Ali one more time in front of everyone. It was so funny and at the same time so embarrassing. I just wanted to climb under my chair it was so uncomfortable.” Used to Kasey’s awkward moments by now, Ali, “reacted really well” and laughed it off."
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