Trista Sutter Blogs About The Bachelorette: Is Wes "Just Plain Stupid?"

Original Bachelorette Trista Sutter is putting her reality TV experience to use for us here at Watch With Kristin by blogging about Jillian Harris' quest for the perfect guy. Take it away, Trista...

Another week, another Bachelorette, and another blog by little ol' me. To those who have commented that they don't think of me as an expert on relationships, or even on this show for that matter, I'm right there with ya. I am far from an expert, but I guess those who hired me saw some value in my opinion. If you don't, no worries. That's the beauty of reading this on your computer: There is an off switch! Each week, I am simply asked to comment on what we see as viewers from someone who's been there.

Glad that many of you are enjoying my commentary! I don't realize how much I love writing until I sit down with my laptop every week and get the chance to release some creative juices. Thanks to those at E! Online for the opportunity as it's helping me feel like my brain is still minimally viable after having two children.

OK, now about last night's episode...

I am bummed that Ed is gone still, but understand his rationale. Love is never guaranteed, especially when there are other guys in the mix and camera crews are involved. Even in this economy, though, I feel like a job is easier to come by than a true relationship that will last you forever, and I'm questioning how he had a conference call with his boss. When you sign up for the show, you sign up with the full knowledge that you will not have any communication with the outside world. It seems a bit suspicious. Regardless, though, I believe that everything happens for a reason and if he was meant to live his life without Jillian, that will come to fruition—reality show or not.

The week starts with a stunning ride through the mountains of Canada on the Rocky Mountaineer. Love that helicopters are given the week off!

Robby gets the first solo date. After time spent relishing the gorgeous view from the train, they have dinner in the caboose and finally get to have a serious sit-down chat. I love Robby's attitude and adorable accent. He's an attractive guy, but something's still lacking. Smiles are there and drama is absent, but is there any intrigue and passion between them? Not when you look in Jillian's eyes.

Those of you who plan to comment that I called him an immature loser who doesn't deserve happiness because he's a lowly bartender who makes no money and can't support a family, please move your cursor back up to the start of the paragraph and have your eyes revisit what I wrote. I think Robby's a nice guy. No, I've never met him, but from all camera angles, he looks like a nice guy.

Does he make as much money as Jesse? Probably not, based on their self-described careers. Does that matter? Not a chance. Money doesn't make the world go around, although I'm sure for the wealthy, it keeps stress levels about bills at bay. Love is what matters (I know, quit with the clichés!), and either it's there or it's not. Jillian decided it wasn't there, and as if the train could sense her decision they dramatically came to a halt. Sad, for sure, but that just means she's closer to being forever happy (hopefully!). Even sadder though is that Michael is crying over Robby's departure. Gotta love a sensitive soul, but I think those tears are a bit off the deep end.

The Bachelorette, Jillian Harris ABC/CRAIG SJODIN

Somehow after Robby leaves, Wes gets the golden ticket of snuggle-time with Jillian. I want to know how he weaseled that in! It just makes me sick to my stomach for her that he says he has everything to gain, he "has a hidden agenda," and he'll always have her wrapped around his little finger. What makes me even sicker is his bit about tasting and eating the fame he is going to get out of being on the show. Oh, no he didn't!

I'm sure there have been plenty of people on this series, as well as The Bachelor, to crave self-promotion for their singing or acting careers. To fully admit it, though, especially when you know Jillian will see what you are saying at some point down the road, makes me wonder if Wes is incredibly hurtful, extraordinarily selfish, drugged-up, just plain stupid—or all of the above. It also makes me wonder if editing is to blame. Was he finishing his sentences with, "But I've fallen for Jillian and I know now that my music career will be second fiddle," and we just aren't seeing that? If only Chris Harrison could spill the beans, I'd give him a call right now!

Group date started with snowshoeing. Note to producers: not so exciting to watch. Tanner did return to the screen as creepy foot-fetish guy, but not even that can hold a candle to him dropping his drawers when they went in to hang out by the fire. Even if he's "blessed," it just was not the time or the place. Oh, Tanner.

Kiptyn and Jesse: love 'em. Especially Kiptyn's abs! Yowza! Wes: Not loving him, and that's putting it mildly. Get that he wants promotion, but at the sake of Jillian's happiness? Maybe it will help his career, but I can't imagine he's gaining many fans with his cruel motives. Great voice or not, the fans of country music get behind people with integrity and heart, and that clearly is not Wes.

Reid + Jillian = great chemistry. The activities of their date weren't spectacular (all but enjoying the sunset by having drinks on ice—literally!), but I loved Reid's humor, honesty, laid-back attitude and openness. Not sure if he'll be the one to win her heart, but he seems like a contender at this point?and with his rose, he'll get to introduce her to his family.

Time for roses?

Kiptyn and Reid are safe, and with five hometown dates, she's handing out three more.

Me and my girls were set on Jesse and Wes, but the third was the shocker. Whoa! Michael won her over in the moment they shared before the dramatic music started, and Tanner and Jake are sent home to Texas. Tanner was not such a shock, as I thought he'd be gone last week. Jake, on the other hand, seemed to be a shoo-in early on. His story of being the nice guy and finishing last (or somewhere in the middle) continued.

Now, as for the previews for next week, one word: wow! I have to admit that I wasn't as into this episode as others, but when they gave us a peek of the remaining episodes, I was intrigued to say the least. I can't wait for next week!



Anonymous said...

Great recap Trista! You're a great writer. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

trista recaps from everyone else,waits until everyone gave their views than she easy as pie..

Anonymous said...

I think Jake should be the next Bachelor!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Trista say that when you sign up for the show, you know you can have no communication with the outside world, which makes Ed's daily phone calls with his boss extremely suspicious. I wish the show wouldn't manufacture so much and just let the drama unfold naturally.

Anonymous said...

Stop picking on Trista. She is just doing her job.

Anonymous said...

Jillian is really stupid she is going to pick until she pick s**t and West is one he is an oppurtunist and a user.

Anonymous said...

Jillian is an idiot. She deserves what she gets.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recap. I really, really hope they don't pick Jake for the next Bachelor. He is such a dork. A hot dork but definitely a dork. His nice guy routine is so annoying. Reid would be a much better choice and would be very entertaining. Well, that is if he doesn't get snatched up by Jillian...

Anonymous said...

I hope Jillian and Ed (what a great name too) split up and she is ends up alone, she let so many better guys go..