According to gossip, Ali leaves the show... Why?
Here are some bachelor speculations!
"On an upcoming episode of the Bachelor we have learned that Ali leaves the show. She will no longer be competing to be the last lady standing on the Bachelor. Whether she was sent home or left on her own is not yet known for sure but from speculation shared by many there was just not the chemistry there between her and Jake Pavelka. We believe she decided to leave on her own and that this occurs just after the hometown dates."
Ali realizes that she is too good for Jake. She knows it and will become the next bachelorette. No doubt.
Ali too good for Jake? Hmmm.. didn't she say that she was dumped by a guy who preferred to play video games, as well as the guy she was living with cheated on her with her roommate? I agree though i don't think there is much chemsitry between the two. I don't see real affection and personally as pretty as she is, there is a major ass bitch inside of her.
Yes she left a guy because he was addicted to video games. And it was Tenley that her husband cheated on her with their rommate. Not Ali.
actually she was cheated on by her boyfriend and her roommate at the time. while she can have a little spunk in her, i believe it is a good thing since she is not hypocritical, she is true and not a fake. i think she should be the next bachelorette.
I think that Ali is no way snotty or two-faced! How would you feel if the man you loved is hanging out with a bitch like Vienna, who is nothing like Ali. Maybe you should wake up, unless your as much of an airhead as Vienna.
Ali's true colors come out when she is talking about Vienna. It shows her insecurity when all she does is put down Vienna. Ali is the kinda girl that in high school was a "mean girl." What I don't get is that she isn't even that cute either. She doesn't wear hardly any makeup and has scraggly hair that she doesn't know how to fix. She had it in a cheap clip in the first episode in a dressy gown! She needs to be put in her place and know what it feels like for someone to be mean and talk bad about her. Jake would see that her "bitch" would come out eventually on an everyday basis.
Ali is the realest person on the show. Ali two faced? Ha, then what does that make Vienna? Ali doesn't wear a lot of makeup because she is naturally beautiful and doesn't need it. Vienna still looks like a crazy horse with makeup. Ali just wants to tell Jake how she feels which is healthy in a relationship. Being honest doesn't make her a bitch. Jake doesn't deserve Ali anyway. She needs a real man, not a pussy bitch like him.
He chooses Vienna because in the end, the bachelor is all about the man getting famous and getting laid. It was so obvious that the moment corrie told him she was a virgin he was going to send her home.
if ali did leave the show, then jake just let his soulmate walk out... and he didn't even follow her. The contract states that he must propose to the ones left... And rumors has it that he choose Vienna. I don't think the pair will do too well seeing that he's a mobile pilot always on the move and Vienna's a pretentious princess always lurking around the corner stalking her man. Their marriage-like "16 year olds in love" lacks sustenance.
Ali is definitely two-faced.
Always talking so much crap about Vienna, focus on YOURSELF.
fo shizzle. The only reason i dont like Ali one bit is because she spends all of her time focused on degrading and talking about Vienna and never about Jake. How often is she talking about Jake or expressing her feelings for him?? Never cause all she is focused on is Vienna
Ali doesn't like talking about Jake in front of the other girls because she isn't like Vienna who makes all the other girls feel insecure talking about all their kissing and sexual moments. Ali doesn't need to talk about that in front of the other girls to boost her self-confidence like Vienna. In the last episode if no one noticed Ali said straight to Jake that she doesn't even want to talk about Vienna anymore, and says she regrets that. Give her some credit people!
Ali is not a bad person and anyone on that show who has witnessed the craziness with Jake and 23 yr old Vienna would be right to walk. I don't want to see the others get hurt either. Jake has been a true disapppointment. He's 31 and acting like he's 20. I wouldn't say mean things about Vienna but she is way to immature for him and comes across as high maintenance. This has to be the worst disappointment from the Bachelor. Jason was biggest louse..but Jake just plain ridiculous. I hope Ali becomes next bachelorette. She is absolutely adorable
Maybe Ali is adorable, but hello she has been acting as though she owns Jake ever since their first date. She should realize that Jake's other dates went just as well. Their is a reason her gave the others roses after their dates. She has bitched about Vienna in every episode, and it's obvious she is jelous and insecure. She feels threatened by Vienna, Because JAke is very into her. Jake will see Ali's controlling,bitchy annoying two faced side very soon. He should stay focused on his true feelings, and in the end he will choose Vienna, over Gia or tenley.
Some of you need to give Ali a break. Ali isn't the only girl in the house that hates Vienna. None of the girls wanted to share a room with her. The girls live with her, Jake doesn't. He only sees her on her best behavior. I think she's shallow, brainless, spoiled rotten (Her dad buys her a new car every time she wrecks her old one.), immature, impulsive (She ran off and got married after her boyfriend dumped her.), a chameleon; and will trample anyone in her way when it comes to getting what she wants.
If Ali does leave, Jake should run after her and get her back. He seems relaxed with her and they appear to have great chemistry. He's a fool if he lets her go and chooses Vienna.
Tenley's also a great girl. She seems sincere and wholesome. She would also be a good choice for Jake. Ali and Tenley are the "girl next door" type. Jake's the "boy next door" type. They all seem to suit one another. Either one of them is better for Jake than Vienna.
Looks like she's leaving because of work. She took a job with Facebook in San Fran shortly before starting the show and has been gone too long. Like ABC would share that factoid...if Jake picks Vienna as rumored, i'm finished with the bachelor....
You would think that Ali would have cleared her absence with Facebook prior to committing to the show. Jake can still go after her. He knows where she lives, she showed him. They looked like they really liked each other. Too bad he never told her how much he liked her. Perhaps, if he had told her that he really liked her and pleaded with her to stay, she would have stayed.
How anyone can fall for that conniving Vienna is beyond me. She cares only about herself. She brags non stop about her dates with Jake. She picks fights with everyone, including Gia who's the only one who gives her the time of day. She butted in on Elizabeth and Jake when they were talking. She spied on Jake and Gia, with her camcorder's zoom, during their date. She went looking for Jake when he and Gia were having one on one time at the winery. And, she burst into Jake's bedroom at the winery in an attempt to seduce him. If he can't figure out that she's an immature spoiled brat out for what she can get, then he has a screw loose and deserves her. Caveat emptor. Let the bachelor beware!
I hope Alli doesn't leave, she's not a bitch, just honest! No one likes Vienna, if you notice at the end of every rose ceremony Vienna is left standing by herself because no one wants anything to do with her. I will be very disappointed if Jake doesn't go after Alli like Jason went after Molly, and I will never watch the bachelor again.
Yeah!!!! Ding Dong witch is dead. I’m happy that Ali is a goner, she is a manipulative BITCH. She one of the biggest hypocrites’ I’ve ever seen. She pretends to befriend Tenly and Corrie, but in reality she was stabbing them in the back, telling Tenly you’re not the one for Jake, when Tenly poured out her feelings for Jake from her fake mousy annoying voice. And I’m glad that Vienna seen right through her evil ways. You go Vienna, get your man and own it! Ali was soooo jealous of Vienna you could see her veins pop out of her big head, every time she was in earshot of Vienna and near her. Good bye Ali.
Ali spent all her time bitching about Vienna? I think it is the other way around. Vienna went to Jake, had to get her side in their first and Ali didn't take the bate. She wasn't sucked into that highschoolish mentality that Vienna is. He is chooses Vienna it is strictly bcause she comes off as easy. There is no way they will last.
does ali go home....and what is her job that she leaves jake for?
ali goes home to save her job, but calls jake the following week... will she come back?
She's my favorite! by far! she was only being a bitch because the other vieanna girl is a bitch! sges so annying! come one, i be you would too. i hope she comes back. i really want her tooo. :(
she works for facebook in advertising. I HIGHLY doubt they would be forcing her to leave the show
if abc is dumb enough to make allie the next bachelorette, im out. vienna is going to be eliminated and either gia or tenley would make a great bachelorette. allie is out, she quit on jake and im over her.
I hope Ali comes back. At first I thought she was picking on Vienna, but the show only wants you to see certain things and that is one of them.
I don't think Vienna is attractive at all..but Jake must think so. Ali is a natural beauty.
Alright, well with all this said i did see alot of sparks between Ali and Jake he liked her alot and i honestly think he did let his soulmate walk right out he should have chose her right there and then, and i really don't blame ali for hateing Vienna she's the two faced one and really needs to stop acting like a spoild brat just because her "daddy" spoils her! So don't be hatin on ali shes a great girl inside and out!
I likes Ali alot. I wanted jake to pick her at the end of it all. I think they are so cute together, and obviously jake had a lot of feeling for ali when she was thinking about leaving. I wish she wouldnt of put her career before jake, But I honestly hope things do go good for her:]
Jake does seem like a really nice guy and you hate hearing him talk about the nice guy finishing last. However, if he lets Allie back on the show, he deserves to be hurt. He practically told her he would give her a rose and put her in the finals, and she still quit on him. She's 25 years old, how good can this job be? Give me a break - good riddance Allie!
Why does alli call jake on the phone next week? This is a joke for all of this to be known before the end of the show.
spoiler alert.......V wins!! google it!! i think ali left to save face as she didnt want to lose to Vienna.
Does anyone who the dress is by that Ali was wearing tonight when she left? I looove it!
I loved Ali and Jake together!! I am so sad she left. I can not stand the last 3 left... will not finish watching this season! Vienna is such a bitch... you really lose faith in Jake if he did pick her! If Ali really loved him she would have stayed... Jake practically begged her to stay.. read between the lines Ali!! Also heard Tenley has to leave because she finds out she is pregnant!! hmmmm!!!
You have got to be kidding about V winning!!! Jake's not as smart as we thought.
I love that dress too!! I really want to know where she got it!
ha ha ha i love these posts! yes, ali is an idiot! he did say he would pick her......duh!
Yes, i heard the Vienna wins too!
so does ali come back on the show?
I really hope Vienna doesn't win, like it's showing all over the internet. It's not that I don't like her at all. I just really liked Alli and Tenley. I thought both of them were good for Jake,... and I liked their families. Alli has a beautiful heart, and I love her.
If Jake picks Vienna he is a bigger loser than I thought. What the heck does he see in Vienna anyway???? She's NOT attractive,NOT nice,She is VERY immature and a spoiled brat!!!!! Ali is TOO good for him! I hope in the end that both Jake and Vienna are the most miserable people ever!!
I think that Vienna is pathetic. I so much like Ali over Vienna. I think Jake and she belong together. I'm sorry that she had to make that choice. Vienna is not in anyway sincere. I feel sorry for Jake for not seeing that. I just hope out of the three left he does not pick Vienna.
I hope Ali comes back, even though reality steve says she doesn't, I still want to her, I was rooting for her from the very beginning, and Vienna is probably the worst match in the world for him. I think if he chooses her he'll eventually try to get Ali back when he realizes what a huge mistake he made.
Jake blew it - he thought he was going to be on THE BIGGEST LOSER!!! Cuz that's what he is! OMG this is the biggest staged show ever. The guy is a tool. No wonder Ali bailed, she couldn't imagine having to end up with him plus.....he is a commuter airline pilot - she isn't going to give up her job on Facebook for his - she probably makes twice the money he does. You go girl and keep on running. No wonder this guy didn't get picked by Jillian and no wonder he is still single at 31!
I totally support Ali decision to leave. There would be no guarantee from this guy until the show end and until there is sure thing, your job should come first. There is no way for her to know what is going on in his head and he can't say she is the one until the end due to contract.
If they are meant for each other then they can always meet after the show ends. Jake has said on ‘Extra’ and ‘Ellen’ that you don’t have to choose anyone at the end so my guess is that he would not choose anyone and go find Ali when the show is over.
Vienna is only there because the Producer want her to stay else the show becomes boring. They asked Jake to keep her in the loop and keep things interesting.
umm...cant stand vienna but she does in fact it...all the spoilers are out there..
I was really upset to see Ali go. I almost cried. She and Jake are made for each other. He said on his blog that they spoke for 2+ hours before she decided to leave. Obviously, we didn't see the whole conversation. He could have told her off camera that he was going to pick her, but he didn't. Also, why he didn't respond when she said she loved him is beyond me. Couldn't he have just said "I love you too"? That would have solved the whole problem. If you remember, Ali told Jake on their hometown date that she'd say "yes" if proposed right there in her backyard. All the dingbat did was look at her in a dreamy way and kiss her. If you really love someone you let them know it. I guess she didn't get the reassurance that she needed which is why she chose the sure thing, her job, over a gamble that would have left her with nothing if she lost to that manipulative skank with the freaky father.
I wonder who he would have sent home if Ali had stayed. Any ideas?
BTW, Jake sure recovered quickly from his "devastation", didn't he?
GO ALI! We're all rooting for you to find someone who truly deserves you.
I hope Ali comes back and Gia and Vienna go home. Ali was a beautiful person inside and out. Her and Jake were meant for eachother. He couldnt tell her that he wanted to marry her right then and there, but he was sure hinting around. He didnt want her to go at all, and you could tell that when she was fixing to get in the limo. She did make the wrong decision by leaving, but hopefully she will get to come back on the show and fix that mistake.
It may be wishful thinking, but I think Jake proposed to Ali when they were sitting in her backyard. If you look closely, you'll see him look really dreamy eyed at her when she said she'd say 'yes' if he asked her right then and there. He makes a show of TAKING OFF his gloves. She looks at him expectantly. He looks at her, takes her face in his hands and kisses her tenderly. A few seconds later, you see his GLOVED HANDS on her face while they're kissing. There was obviously an edit there. Also, he leaves in the limo from her mom's house. On his blog, he said they went to visit her father, her parents are divorced, AFTER they left her mother's house. If that's the case, why does it look like the date ended at her mother's house? More editing? He may have taken her back to her mom's after they saw her dad. I'm not sure. Also, Jake said on various interviews that he broke with the show's protocols more than once. Popping the question during a hometown date definitely breaks with protocol.
Back at the hotel, when they were discussing Ali's decision to leave, she told him she loved him. He didn't look too surprised. He told her, "I can't guarantee that I'm going to put a ring on your finger, but I CAN'T LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND SAY I'M NOT GOING TO PUT A RING ON YOUR FINGER". "I CAN'T LOOK YOU IN THE EYE and say I'm NOT going to put a ring on your finger." In my book, that's a telltale remark.
Obviously, if Jake proposed, Ali would have to leave or the show would have ended right after the hometown dates. I think the whole leaving thing was staged. Jake was an actor, albeit a mediocre one, on a tv show. I think I read that Ali had acted in either high school or college. Also, Ali seemed to be fairly composed, despite her previous hysterics, during the clip when she said she'd have to choose between her two loves. (He also appeared to recover quickly after she left. He was all smiles at the nonexistent rose ceremony.)
Despite what the spoilers are claiming, Jake did say that the ending is going to puzzle a lot of people, buy if you look back, you'll see it coming. Another clue?
One final thing, in his blog Jake refers to Ali as 'AliCat'. Why use a pet name for someone who just broke your heart?
As I said at the beginning, this could all be wishful thinking on my part. Time will tell. However, the evidence, at least in my opinion, points to a fait accompli. I hope I'm right. They seem to be made for each other.
I Agree with most of the previous Anonymous. Except maybe the other 3 women's friends..I think "We hopelessly romantic people who believe in love at first sight" see that if Jake is not totally head over heals in love with Ali then we need another nomination for "Best Actor". As for Jake being a commuter pilot, he is still young and one must be a commuter pilot before one becomes a long range or whatever the term is pilot. They are just a good fit.
I used to love the Bachelor but all the fake stuff is really getting to me. Ali is horrible. If she is the next Bachelorette for reals then I am going to be pissed. I wish ABC would take a poll. She says she loves him but leaves to be the next Bachelorette?!?! She's so lame and fake. Team Tenley but I know he picks Vienna.
im glad Gia is gone too whinny and high maintence-Tenley needs to quit whinning and comparing her ex-husband to Jake and Vienna is ugly and fake and I feel untrustworthy.. Alli was my pick from the first date. hopefully Jake comes to his senses and realizes its Alli that is his soul mate, before its to late
I also think Ali is his soul mate and I hope at the she does come back and wins his heart. I hope he realizes that she is the one for him and he realizes that Vienna is high maintenance and she will only cause problems because his family will not like her and she will over dramatize everything
Ali is a major immature controlling BITCH! She was the ring leader of the mean girls club. She applauded Corrie's act for trashing Vienna and even pressured Michelle to toast to make a pact. I don't understand how anyone can like her. She's an ugly person inside and out.
I believe that Ali was jealous of Vienna because Vienna has a good relationship with her dad, and Ali doesn't have any relationship with hers. Notice how her father is never mentioned or seen in the hometown date. Vienna didn't maliciously say anything.. unlike Ali who intentionally said and did things to hurt her. She's vindictive.
I agree Ali is a bitch!!!! It's Jake's roses not Ali's. Why the hell does she care if Vienna gets a rose... worry about yourself ! Drama immature controlling vindictive evil fake manipulative ... I can go on and on!
Thank god that control freak is gone!
all of the final four girls are retarded.
Ali: mean, manipulative, mean girl. Granted Vienna is like an annoying itch that won't go away...I don't believe she deserved the tx that she got.
Vienna: Annoying, desperate, spoiled, ugly looking, nasty haired, child.
Gia: low self Confidence, but most genuine.
Tenley: fake voice, too innocent, no personality, no substance to the comments she makes.
Essentially, Jake is screwed.
Ok everyone here I deffenetly resprct your disisions but...Jake is not a bad person nor anyone else on the show unless of course they are there for the wrong reason. But ali seems really rude, or at least when shes on camera!
My favorite person on the show is Tenley shes very sweet and nice and when she got sent home i almost cried thats how much deply i cared for her :(
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