Women Tell All: Michelle's Emotional Breakdown

The Most Shocking Breakdown in Bachelor history! Michelle Money takes the hot seat. During The Bachelor: Women Tell All, Michelle Money has an emotional breakdown.


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Anonymous said...

I think Michelle set a tone from the beginning of the show and I was not impressed.But worse than that,she was using her daughter last night to gain sympathy from the audience and others, and that was wrong.You don't use a child that way.She did not seem to bethe least bit concerned about her daughter when she was smothering Brad on the beach or skanking him other itmes. Rarely felt her love for her child. Many episodes ago she made a comment..I just want a man and want to be married again.. well, OK, I understand that, but simply wanting a man for herself and a father for her daughter has to have more substance to a relationship than what I saw. That relationship would have been full of turmoil, another one that would not have lasted. Perhaps what the other girls said was a bit overwhelming for Michelle, but they saw and knew far more than we did. I did not believe her tears last night. Another actress on stage.