Jillian's Mom puts Ed in the hot seat


Via: http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/07/76816/

Ed is put to the test by Jillian Harris's mom Peggy on the two-hour season finale of "The Bachelorette" tonight.

Peggy teases him, saying, "I am not going to do what I did to Jason [Mesnick]. I had 76 questions for him; I only have 66 for you."

Then she begins grilling him: "Do you want to have children? How do you see your relationship 30 or 40 years from now? What is the glue between Jillian and yourself that will make this a long-lasting relationship?"

Ed manages to get through the inquisition, then heads outside where he relaxes and dances the hula with Jillian, her dad, Glenn, and her cousin.

Visit her the full article.

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