Does Ali Fedotowsky leave the Bachelor?

Will Ali pull an Ed and leave the Bachelor for her job? Sounds a little too much like Jillian and Ed.

The Bachelor 14 Ali Fedotowsky


Anonymous said...

I hope so. She is the one who has been the ring leader of the "Let's Hate Vienna" campaign.

Anonymous said...

She's the only woman I have ever respected on any of these Reality Shows.

Anonymous said...

"She's the only woman I have ever respected on any of these Reality Shows." Totally agree!!!

Anonymous said...

Ali conducts herself like a hormonal adolescent. If she were all that confident about her ability to be a suitable partner for Jake, she would be able to let go of her hateful "get rid of Vienna" campaign.

Jake is a big boy and has shown he is able to come to some very appropriate decisions.

Besides, Ms Ali, your best color is, stop being so green with envy.

Anonymous said...

Ali is more suited for Jake than Vienna. Any of the girls left are better than Vienna. I don't understand why she was chosen for this show. It certainly wasn't her looks..she is not a pretty girl...I guess it was the boobs!
I have read that Vienna is chosen in the end---sorry if this happens----I sooooo dislike Vienna!!!!

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Ali has acted like a cry baby since Jake dated after their one on one. She has acted like the "mean girl" we all remember from grade school, the bully. And, being the ring leader, the all follow along. Vienna really hasn't done anything horrible.C'mon, I've watched all seasons and she has done nothing more or worse than anyone in the past. She has been pegged and ganged up on. I didn't care about her one way or the other but it makes me feel bad for her because it's utter BS. I detest bullies. They can play the game without being divas. Even Tenley is being Polly Purebred to Jake and Ghetto Girl in the house.

Anonymous said...

Remember, y'all, this show is heavily edited in favor of some contestants over others. Plus, it is directed or scripted to a degree to keep viewers tuning in.

Looking at the overall picture, I see this battle of the Bachelor blondes to be slut vs. smart girl. It's a classic set-up.

I speculate that Ali left the show because she's savvier and more observant than any Bachelorette left, and couldn't stomach playing the game any longer.

Too bad. Ali, as many saw, was the girl Jake's best bet for possible matrimony. As earlier shows (both Bachelorette and Bachelor) demonstrate, the "chooser" always picks the risk or the bad boy or girl. This time it will be no different. What a yawn, guys!

Anonymous said...

Ok can you tell me what Vienna did? She gave good advice to someone, she tried to apologize, etc... Everyone's attacking her, and I feel bad for her. Jake likes her because she's great. Ali just was jealous because Jake has chemistry with Vienna. It's jake's choice after all...

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks Ali is just way too smart for Jake? Jake's a great guy, but he just seems a little putzy to me. Ali (and Corrie) can do better. I hope Jake ends up with more generic, 2D Tensley.

Anonymous said...

Ali became a Hitler bitch, judmental and mean, in any way possible. I hope she get out of the show, how to respect a evil like her? Holly crap!

Anonymous said...

vienna is the one who needs to go. she's a spoiled little bitch and the girls just don't want jake to be the one who has to buy her a new car every time she crashes one.

Anonymous said...

Ali is very manipulative person. If Jake picks her she will be a bitch of a wife. She twists everything around and needs to go. I feel that this is her true personality, who ever ends up with her will be very unhappy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment above! She is evil. I see her being the type of person that loses friends easily.

Anonymous said...

Vienna is the kind of person who critiques people. Ever met one like her? If you did you would know what I mean. Whatever you do you'd end up on her chopping block one day. There is no way to be on her good side. Too bad folks don't seem to understand this side of Vienna. If you are not like her, it is pretty scary!

Anonymous said...

Vieanna needs to go! I mean shes not pretty at all!!!! Ali is amazing! And Tinley and Gia are really great too!!! If Jake is so stupid as to not be with one of those three and he picks Vieanna then Ali, Tinley,or Gia then all three of them deserve much, much better than Jake!!! Everyone who hates Ali and likes Vieanna is jealous because Vieanna is not pretty and Ali is!!! And Vieanna started all the drama with Ali, she just wants attention, whatever let her have it!

Anonymous said...

that sucks they should still get together

Anonymous said...

Ali is the one causing all the trouble and should go. By the way she has weird legs.

Anonymous said...

I heard from a friend of a friend that dated Jake say he was a cheapskate control freak. I think he likes Vienna because her family has money.

Anonymous said...

It's between Ali and Tensley!
It's Tensley that leaves and it breaks Jakes heart as he saw her as his wife and does he settle for Ali or Vienna?

Anonymous said...

Ali leaves next week and Vienna wins.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if or why Ali leaves, but if she does leave on her own, I think she leaves because she doesn't want to lose to Vienna. She would rather give up her chance of winning then losing to Vienna in the end. That would obviously kill her.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I love Vienna. She is honest and goes after what she wants. That's why Jake picks her.

Anonymous said...

Ali has a dark side and she is a coward. On their date in S.F. when Jake asked her about Vienna, she was afraid to tell him how she really felt. She was also afraid that Vienna had told him something earlier (which she did).
But I loved it when Jake told her that he thought Vienna was very honest and she shows him that she is there for him and only him.

Anonymous said...

Ali leaves because this way, she won't lose to Vienna. And no one can say "she lost to Vienna" but rather have everyone question if she would have won if she stayed. And, I believe she knew down deep that Vienna was going to win. It's like when kids play and one kid quits and "goes home" because he/she knows they're going to lose. Its very immature and childish. She's a coward, a poor loser and a quitter. Now I don't hate Ali, I actually liked her the most in the beginning, but she showed her true colors and those colors were not attractive. Vienna has more class than Ali
can ever hope to have.

Anonymous said...

Aliin the beginning she seems sweet and nice and
than all of the sudden bingo. She seems rude and trouble and imature and fake and to face person.
Jake can pick anyone except not Ali.
Jake you do not need spoiled, rude, fake, it will be your biggest mistake if you pick Ali.

Anonymous said...

Vienna is kind, mature, attractive and she is a strong women for her age 23.
We really hope Jake will make the right decision to pick Vienna they belong together:))

Anonymous said...

Vienna did not do anything at all we know that is true and those jealous and do all trouble against Vienna. Ali what is wrong with her she is such a pain the neck and She is so plastic it is like a snake watch for Ali so dumb and it is a biggest turn off. Jake know what who he want and we hope he will not choose Ali. I heard that Ali will get out we do not if its true. She need to lighten up and need to grow up.
Jake I totally hope and wish you all the luck but, If Jake to choose Ali it will be biggest mistake.
Vienna is much real and serious and pretty and down to earth and much more mature for her age.
Lots of love for Jake and Vienna good luck:))

Anonymous said...

Ali like Vienna than Jake. I hope that is not true and I notice Ali and other women do not like Vienna so sad. Vienna is fantastic and pretty and more open minded. Ali she is jealous and she is not friendly and she is also a bi-polar she get angry for no reason.
Did you see the very beginning of the show. Ali her bright Yellow gown not so fashion. Ali remind me the cartoon the Cinderella she is one of the step sister of Cinderella.

Anonymous said...

My advice for Ali and Tenley they like to bad mouth and throw tantrum etc. Vienna she knows how to ignore them and she will not give up because she did not do anything so just remember Ali and Tenley when it comes around it goes around.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so tired of ali, she is a trouble maker, over dramatic, selfish, fake and mean spirited. she likes to gossip and cause problems. that should be a big red flag for friends and boyfriends alike. TROUBLE

Anonymous said...

Ali is meant for Jake!!! she is very pretty amd has a ton of inner beauty

Anonymous said...

Vienna is a very immature girl. Her parents baby her which is very bad for a young girl her age to be having done. At 23 she shouldnt think of herself as a princess , she should realize life is hard and every girl out there deserves a great guy not just her. Every girl out there is a princess , all the girls are equally amazing but I truly believe vienna is a crybaby, immature, and spoiled. I love Gia , Ali and Tenley all of them are great girls. Jake will be lucky to have any of them. Hes great but hes not a King on a pedastool.

Anonymous said...

If Ali ever comes back I don't think that I will continue to watch this show! Are you kidding me? Did she not know at the beginning that she would not be able to work if she did the show?
The drama attached to her scenes toward the end of the show make me nauseated! Now she calls him? Seriously, he better hang up on her or I will lose all respect for him! ( Like he cares what I think! LOL!!!)

Anonymous said...

Ali lied about having to leave for her job to see if Jake would end the show to be with her. Since he didn't, she HAD to leave. If she stayed and won, Jake would find out that she didn't actually lose her job or have risk of it. She's so controlling and into herself it's ridiculous. First, she wanted Vienna gone, if he didn't lose her "she wasn't for him". DIDNT WIN THAT BATTLE. Second, she wanted Jake to ask her to marry her at her house by the fire, "if you asked me now, i'd say say yes!". LOST THAT ONE TOO. And last chance, she tells Jake she has to choose between him or her job. She was HOPING that he would tell her he wanted to be with her and end the show. THE END ALI, YOU LOSE. And now, she is calling next week to tell him that she made all this up. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the last two posts! Ali...I actually liked her until the past
two shows! I'm glad this blew up in her face!
DONT EVER bring her back as a bachelorette! I won't be able to watch her! She wasted so much of the shows time!
Why is that OK??????

Anonymous said...

Alie left the show i cant belive it... i belived that alie was the perfect women for jake they both had so much in common. alie is very pretty not only in the inside but on the out side as well. i have a very strong feeling that she will be back and will win jakes heart and it will be a very happy eneding

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, anonymous, how can you think she is right for someone
after playing games with him! Could you not read through her ridiculous antics!???? What a joke she is!

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooooooooo incredibly disappointed that sweet, confident, intelligent, adorably sexy Ali is no longer with the show. I know it's just a show, and we can't always decipher what's genuine or scripted, but I thought Ali seemed to be the best match. They seemed to confide in one another on a deeper level than the other ladies. It's a pity. Was hoping for another Trista and Ryan. Right after Ali left he seemed to just jump right back in the game...not showing much compunction for the treasure he let slip through his hands. Jake mentions he loves all the women...he uses the word too prematurely...too losely. If it was really love, he wouldn't have been so quick to get back in the game. Ali made a wise decision... leaving. He wasn't running after her or showing her much reason to stay, and by the way she looked at him, it seems as though she needed some sort of reassurance. Good for her for getting out. As for those that perceive her as a bully, then get a backbone. There is a huge contrast between the two personalities of Ali and Vienna, and I could certainly understand why she'd be pissed that a man could remark how he sees them all possibly being his wife, especially after thinking they had a deeper connection. I hope to see her on the next bachelorette to be frank. Now all he has left is the beautiful city girl Gia (which is sweet but I don't see it...Dallas is no New York and I bet she'd have a very difficult time adjusting, and since she's that close to mother I doubt she'd want to live far from her), Tinley who is still on the mend and its very obvious this is not the time for her to jump into another marriage because she keeps bringing up the ex (very bad sign...BAD), and Vienna, who is daddy's littler girl and will run back to him if she doesn't get her way....and Daddy will always be in the picture. Good luck with that Jake. A confident independent Ali verses all three of those. Geez. I don't care to watch the show now.

Anonymous said...

I think Jake is a snake...Ali and Gia tenely are way to good for him...they are gold he is girls run

Anonymous said...

In the beginning I thought that Ali was really pretty and sweet, and then she showed a side of her that reminded me of the popular girls in high school that would kick your books when you drop them instead of bending over to help you pick them up. Despite that, these last few episodes have made me feel that out of all of the last four girls she is the best for Jake. She showed a slightly sweeter side also. Vienna reminds me of a less pretty Paris Hilton, what with the plastic surgery, fake tan, fake extensions and what not. She seems very spoiled and kind of obnoxious. I know that Jake likes her and respects her for "her honesty" but in all reality has anyone else ever heard Jake say anything else about why he truly likes her? I think every girl can be a b*tch, but Ali really was the best match for Jake, and whether her reason for leaving the show was really over work or not, I was sorry to see her go. I hope that Jake makes the right decision, for his own sake. Gia's mom scared me a little.

Anonymous said...

Good riddins Ali! She has pulled the "I'm going to leave" out one too many times. She is the biggest FAKE!!! I love Vienna (from a 64yo great grandmother). She has been up front from day one. Her primary purpose is for Jake, nothing more and nothing less, and she is going after her purpose. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

SOOO HAPPY that sociopath madwoman ALI is GONE!!! She was such a game player and a bully. In my opinion, she fabricated the entire ultimatum with her job just to force Jake into a corner and get him to end the show and propose to her. NOTHING about either of her two crying bs scenes felt genuine - from her over exaggerated pouty face to her milking it and dragging it out as long as possible... still in hopes 'till the very end that Jake would shun the other 3 women for her. WHAT A NUT CASE!

Honestly, if that call from her next week has anything to do with her still fighting for Jake, or coming back, etc., it's only because she can't let it go that she didn't win. Game after game with her - she hasn't won. She didn't get the 2nd 1 on 1 date, Vienna's still there, Jake didn't propose at her parents' house (after some hinting on her part), and Jake didn't propose to her to keep her from returning to her job. She needs to quit. GAME OVER for Ali!

Anonymous said...

I think Ali got scared and tried to force Jake into picking her early. Testing the waters but it all kind of fell short. Crocodile tears. Next you'll see her on some TV show without having a qualm in the world about leaving her present job. She was a bitch and it was all about her. I'm glad she is gone. Hate Jake to make a mistake with her.

Anonymous said...

This whole scam better be a act, cause she is the most real and has been all along. Okay yeah, she has been like that with Vienna but common' she admitted that she has her faults and she is done and that Jake is a big boy and can choose his own descisions. I'd rather have someone that can tell me that they made a mistake and have faults over someone that just deny's that they have ever doen anything bad, Vienna has beeen mean too. Soo, i just hope that is all fake like the whole Ed and Jillian thing.

Anonymous said...

Ali was one of my top 3 picks in the beginning but as time wore on she showed her true colors. First, I don't like the way she bullied Vienna and turned everyone against her. Then when he kept Vienna she acted like a spoiled brat not getting her way. Very immature way to enter a "relationship".
Then she tried to force him into a proposal by the fire, burned again and frankly she deserved it. Now, she is pulling this garbage over her job which I don't believe for a second. When she came on the show, she knew exactly how much time she would be allowed to take off and how long she would need to make it to the end. I think she was trying to force her hand so once again she would be the center of attention and the first to end the show early. Everyone wants a fairytale ending but you have go through the ring of fire first and she wasn't willing because she thinks she is the only person that Queen baby syndrome. Wants what she wants when she wants it and nothing else matters....just think what their life would be like...EEEEEK! RUN JAKE, RUN from Ali as fast as you can!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I heard from a friend of a friend that dated Jake say he was a cheapskate control freak. I think he likes Vienna because her family has money.- bullshit

i wish jake bails vienna and hits up ali saying "i knew it was you i love you" and they live happily ever after

Anonymous said...

In the beginning I thought that Ali was really pretty and sweet, and then she showed a side of her that reminded me of the popular girls in high school that would kick your books when you drop them instead of bending over to help you pick them up. Despite that, these last few episodes have made me feel that out of all of the last four girls she is the best for Jake. She showed a slightly sweeter side also. Vienna reminds me of a less pretty Paris Hilton, what with the plastic surgery, fake tan, fake extensions and what not. She seems very spoiled and kind of obnoxious. I know that Jake likes her and respects her for "her honesty" but in all reality has anyone else ever heard Jake say anything else about why he truly likes her? I think every girl can be a b*tch, but Ali really was the best match for Jake, and whether her reason for leaving the show was really over work or not, I was sorry to see her go. I hope that Jake makes the right decision, for his own sake. Gia's mom scared me a little.

-well said, very well said

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooooooooo incredibly disappointed that sweet, confident, intelligent, adorably sexy Ali is no longer with the show. I know it's just a show, and we can't always decipher what's genuine or scripted, but I thought Ali seemed to be the best match. They seemed to confide in one another on a deeper level than the other ladies. It's a pity. Was hoping for another Trista and Ryan. Right after Ali left he seemed to just jump right back in the game...not showing much compunction for the treasure he let slip through his hands. Jake mentions he loves all the women...he uses the word too prematurely...too losely. If it was really love, he wouldn't have been so quick to get back in the game. Ali made a wise decision... leaving. He wasn't running after her or showing her much reason to stay, and by the way she looked at him, it seems as though she needed some sort of reassurance. Good for her for getting out. As for those that perceive her as a bully, then get a backbone. There is a huge contrast between the two personalities of Ali and Vienna, and I could certainly understand why she'd be pissed that a man could remark how he sees them all possibly being his wife, especially after thinking they had a deeper connection. I hope to see her on the next bachelorette to be frank. Now all he has left is the beautiful city girl Gia (which is sweet but I don't see it...Dallas is no New York and I bet she'd have a very difficult time adjusting, and since she's that close to mother I doubt she'd want to live far from her), Tinley who is still on the mend and its very obvious this is not the time for her to jump into another marriage because she keeps bringing up the ex (very bad sign...BAD), and Vienna, who is daddy's littler girl and will run back to him if she doesn't get her way....and Daddy will always be in the picture. Good luck with that Jake. A confident independent Ali verses all three of those. Geez. I don't care to watch the show now.

~couldn't have said it better myself!!

Anonymous said...

Vienna is a whore! I know people from her neighborhood, and they do not like her either. They call her Vienna sausage because… well you can figure it out. She slept with some dude before she left for the show, and told him she will be back soon, because she did not expect to be there very long. She got her breast implants by taking $5000 dollars from her ex husband, and then left him. If anybody knows Jake let him know that made a bad decision.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Gia made it out alive....Jake is a loser and a FAKE....says same thing to all the woman.....hope he ends up with Vienna...she is a fake like him

Anonymous said...

I personly know Vienna, I went to highschool with her. Honestly, what they portray is barely part of who she is. I can most certainly say that she not a bitch or childish or anything like that. She is a true sweetheart. Yeah she has made mistakes, but who hasn't? And just because she has done things that some people would never do, doesn't mean she is a bad person. It's just she had to make those mistakes herself. Even though her fathr is there for her, he raised her to be herself and make her choices. And if she makes a mistake she can pick herself up and brush herself off.. Oh and I have never heard anyone call her Vienna sausage..that's just not true

Anonymous said...

tenley is hot