The Bachelor: The Final Rose goes to....Emily Maynard!

In a romantic proposal, Brad Womack proposes to Emily Maynard in the Bachelor finale!

Who is Chantal's new boyfriend? Chantal has found love with Jeff Razore.  Good work Chantal, Jeff is hot!

Chantal's new boyfriend Jeff Razore


Anonymous said...

LOL...He picked the NAG...LOL
The very sexy, boring, nagging woman
And they already broke up..SHOCKER! heh
Brad,,here is a clue dude,,,IF everytime a woman has something important to say...and says dude.
But, But ,But ,But is all this lady can say.
She's hot, smokin hot, but it's VERY obvious she is a pain in the arse.
Cut your losses, she not even wearing the ring's a NO BRAINER.

Anonymous said...

Not really sure why Emily came on this show. I find it hard to believe this woman who is all about her daughter, would come on TV and expose her life to all the crap they have to go through. Emily needs a man who is no nocense because she is still caught up in the past. She needs to talk to someone. Brad appears to really care about her, but this isnt going to work. You can not have a working successful relationship and not be together everyday, especially in the beginning. Soap opera TV. Entertaining for sure. Actors yes, thats it they all want careers in front of the camera. Good job this go round! Oh and Ashley really really.okayyyyyyyyyyy

Brooke Torrence said...

ya'll need to stop hating on Emily! She is a beautiful person! And who are ya'll or anyone else to question her motherhood! Really?? I am so happy for all three of them! They will make it! SO shut up ALREADY! love you "EM"!!

Anonymous said...

Emily needs some therapy. I don't think she can have a relationship with anyone at this point. She was not married when she got pregnant, Her "fantasy" relationship was with a guy who traveled allot, and has not dated anyone to her satisfaction yet. Does not add up to a woman who can make a mature commitment.
She has so many defense mechanisms, she is not worth the time and effort.
He is obviously very complicated and may need to remain single also.
Personally I could not have been in the whole situation of the show and she does have some legitimate concerns, but the show is the show.
This is not a match made in heaven!

Anonymous said...

I like Em but lets face it Brad, this was never met to be. You could have picked Chantel. Hay may be you can go back and do what that Guy was it Mesnic did. Pick one and then dump her and then pick up the runup and propose. Thats reality TV.

Did anyone notice that Chantel is not over Brad yet? and thats why her new boyfriend looks alot like Brad?


Anonymous said...

Kudos for Chantal moving on. Jeff is HAWT & much better looking than Brad. I wish her lots of luck in her new relationship.

As for Brad & Emily, sad to say but I don't seeing it lasting. They might love each other but there are too many other Hendricks Family $$$$$. (omg that was horrible of me) :P

saraj said...

I must say viewing last nights show was such a joke, as usual.. I swear I will not waste my time on another season.
I cheered for Emily all the way through, yet after last night, I see that this woman is very selfish in her own right. She never had intentions of leaving N.C., selling her home or being his wife. I also believe the Hendricks have a great deal to do with her decisions. They won't like the idea of another man raising their sons child. Did anyone notice we never saw her mother or father, sisters, brothers? We were kept in the dark about that.
I don't think Chantal is in love with anyone, you don't sit and cry like that and if I were the new guy, I think I would have been heading out the door.

Anonymous said...

Emily has played the game very well-she closed the sale- and now continues to play hard to get. I think she has a hidden agenda-don't know what it is, with her personality one could not guess it-she is looking for something but not a relationship. I never heard her ever say, "this is how we could work on this or that" -just set up constant barriers.
Not only did we not see Emily's family, we also did not see any friends, neighbors, etc..
Chantal could have been Brad's best friend and help keep him in line.
Brad was (is) a certain type of man for many years. He is trying to change, but that is difficult. I think he saw his old personality in Emily and was attracted to that (plus her great looks).
This relationship will not work-way too complex.