Reality Steve: Is Brad Womack Engaged to Emily?

Bachelor Spoiler Alert! 

Who is Brad Womack engaged to?? 

Bachelor Blogger Reality might have changed his tune. The king of Bachelor spoilers initially claimed that Brad Womack was engaged to Chantal O'Brien, claiming that the two even spent Thanksgiving with her family. Now, Reality Steve, covering his tracks and saying that he was wrong and Brad Womack is actually engaged to Emily Maynard.

Reality Steve also claims that Ashley Hebert is the next Bachelorette which leads us to question, why isn't Chantal the next Bachelorette? Or is Reality Steve wrong again?

Reality Steve says:
"Brad is engaged to Emily......Sorry I gave you the wrong info. Wasn’t my intention. Had every reason to believe the information I had was right. My sources don’t lie to me. Apparently though, at some point, THEY were given bad information, which has been the case now in back-to-back seasons regarding the ending of the show. Were they PURPOSELY given false information? Impossible to know and ever prove. They say they weren’t, so I gotta believe them. I still talk to my sources, they are acquaintances of mine, and I appreciate what they’ve done for me in recent seasons. We just need to tighten the screws up a bit to get this damn ending correct next time" 

"I already know the biggest question on everyone’s mind right now. “So if Emily isn’t the next Bachelorette because she’s with Brad, why isn’t it Chantal?” Here’s what I’ve been able to find out. Remember how those guys who made final casting for the next “Bachelorette” told me they were contacted and told “We’re going in a different direction” and “there’s been a change of plans”? Well, it’s obvious now that those change of plans weren’t because something happened with Emily, but with Chantal. Chantal is the final two girl. Without a doubt Chantal was considered and I’m guessing was offered the gig. So something tells me now it was all set to be Chantal and she backed out, hence the “change of plans”. Hell, maybe THAT should’ve been my first clue Emily was his final choice the minute I heard the “Bachelorette” wasn’t hers. I can be dumb sometimes. Bear with me.


Unknown said...

Love Emily . . . definitely hope he chooses her!

Anonymous said...

Emily seems like a sweet,genuine girl...good choice brad !! seeing how brad broke the ice with her little daughter, and got along so well with her just melted my heart .

Anonymous said...

Just watched this again. My opinion... Brad fell in love with Emily on that date. They make the sweetest couple. I can't wait until Monday night and the Final Rose Ceremony.