Many Bachelor fans are wondering why is Brad Womack keeping Michelle around? But does Michelle really like Brad or is she just interested in getting publicity for her new movie? Michelle Cartwright Money, the single mother and actress, will appear in the movie, Midway To Heaven, in February. Check out the movie trailer below!
now it all makes sense!!! i knew she was just acting and wanting camera time. wayyyyy too much drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!!!
UG whats with all the Crazy Michelle's?! It makes me mad cause my name is Michele...jesh!
i believed this to be the case the whole time. think about it, ABC needs her on the show for the drama and the villan character she portrays each week. it makes for good tv. without her, there wouldn't be as much intense drama, ice like tension between the ladies, etc. she's an actress, and a bad one at that. she's way over the top and is reeking of the evil villan. why else would brad keep her on? In saying all this, brad may be attracted to her seductress and slutty approach as well. but he knows what's gonna go down, michelle know what and how things are gonna go down, its all script in a way, nothing pure, its reality tv, strictly entertainment, things are played up for the cameras and the end results have already been planned out by the network. if you refuse to believe this, your not seeing clearly, your not seeing the big picture!!!!!!
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