Jillian Blogs for People Magazine!
In week 3, Jillian shares a few “awkward” kisses, goes over the edge (literally) with Ed and gets is blown away by Robbie D’s acting chops. Hey Guys! Wow! Am I alone in saying that was one of the craziest episodes ever! (And somehow I think that won’t be the last time I say that) with all the romance, drama and kissing, and my first tears … even my head was spinning when I watched it!
At the time, I remember there being some tension in the house, but not that much! Remember — anything that I don’t see — I don’t know about… so I had no idea of the magnitude of conflict that was going on. It’s times like those that I really wish I had a secret little camera to get the inside scoop. That way I would have stormed right in there and put a stop to all that nonsense. On to a more positive topic … the dates this week were over the top… literally! My date with Ed was truly the definition of “living on the edge.” At the time, Ed seemed so easy-breezy about going over the edge of that building, but he later revealed to me that he was a nervous wreck! The best part about Ed moving into the house was his house attire — Ed would lounge around the mansion like he owned the place, wearing a silk robe and cucumber eye masks (and later on, drinking blended margaritas at 8 a.m. with Robbie!) For the record, some of the kisses on the western date were really awkward (sorry guys!). But I totally appreciated how the guys were all really going for it, and I had fun being a good sport! I am so not an actress, so the scene work was nerve-racking for me. It wasn’t until the last scene that Robbie D was finally able to calm my nerves a bit. He put me at ease, and dealt with his scene with such class. I was really proud of him, and had a blast acting with him. That’s why I gave him the rose. Actually, thinking back, I was also very proud of Tanner for sporting that ridiculous costume. The poor guy was last to be “outfitted,” and that was all that was left He was such a good sport about it — even when I made fun of his furry chaps. That week, unfortunately, ended with me having to deny Sasha the rose on our date. This was an extremely hard situation for me. I knew at the time, there were other men in the house that were “less perfect” for me, but I also knew it wasn’t fair to keep Sasha if I didn’t feel the connection. Sasha is such a great guy, and I was touched by all that he shared regarding his accident. Still, I wanted to be fair, and that meant ending the date with disappointment for both of us.
Thank you again, for tuning in every week. As time goes on I can promise you even more romance, laughter, adventure and yes… even more kissing … (sigh)
Yours truly,
Jillian doesn't tell us a thing in her blog. want to give us more clues
i think she is really starting to like Ed. They hardly showed any of the date which means the producers are trying not to show love growing between them.
i think she is having a 1 on 1 with Kiptyn tonight. i have a lot of hopes for him -seems normal, which is good.
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