This blog is starting to feel more like a confessional as the weeks go on!

I do look forward to writing it though, since it really gives me a chance to connect with all of you. I do care what you think and love having the opportunity to share what I was feeling at the time and how I’m feeling now.

Okay let’s talk about what all of you are thinking right now. Me keeping Wes and letting Jake go. Sigh. Please understand, that I DO NOT see a lot of the behavior that goes on when I’m not there. All of the interactions and conversations that I had with him were indicative of a good relationship. I am so confused by the Wes we all are seeing now, and by what the other guys were saying about him. People will say that I was attracted to his bad boy persona, but believe it or not it was the opposite. Around me, Wes was vulnerable, sweet, sincere and caring — and that is definitely not the Wes that I am seeing now.

Now about Jake: As much as I agree with you all that Jake is hot, nice, into me, and is perfect, our time together was just too intense. I know that the woman who ends up with Jake will be taken care of and cherished. But I am looking for someone with whom I have a more natural connection and who is my best friend. I am looking for a sense of “ease” in the relationship. And with Jake — well, it always felt like a sales pitch. Our conversations were always so intense and structured that I didn’t think it was fair to continue if I knew ultimately it wasn’t going to be him standing by my side in the end.

Again, this is where I go back to reminding myself that this is NOT a competition. Just because Jake is an impressive man for a lot of people doesn’t mean he had to be in MY top three. I truly believe that if there is no connection, let them go early so they can find their own Mrs. Invisible. I just didn’t want to waste any more of Jake’s time.

My date at Emerald Lake lodge was breathtaking. I’m telling you all — you HAVE to get up here and check out the beauty this country has to offer. I’ll make a great host I promise! I know you all think I was probably crazy to let Tanner rub my feet that night, but by this point I had so many long nights in heels, I couldn’t pass up a foot rub! Tanner was (and still is) such a sweetheart. It was hard for me to hear him wonder why I let him go. It definitely wasn’t the foot fetish. I think during our conversation that night, I realized we hadn’t kissed and I had to ask myself if this was ever going to happen. The answer to my own question was indication of what I needed to do.

A few funny little facts — I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I wore a lot of plaid shirts, hoodies and leggings the last few episodes. Here’s why: we didn’t exactly plan for the cold Canadian weather, as we should have. I only brought ONE teeny little bag for that entire episode, and it ended up not being near enough clothes for the trip. I had to get really creative with rotating items to try to make it look like several different outfits. I know a few people have commented on me wearing leggings last episode instead of snow pants and this episode I barely wore gloves. Luckily, I really am like a little Eskimo, so I barely got cold. Another funny thing was that by the time we got to the Rocky Mountaineer I was EXHAUSTED. I was getting very little sleep (maybe 3-5 hours a night). I was so self conscious that I looked awful, but I actually think I looked somewhat refreshed this episode. Hmmm, maybe I’m on to something! Ha!

I hope you all are enjoying this season. I know there have been a lot of ups and downs and I have to admit there are a few more to come. Next week’s episode is sweet and a little sour. Hang in there and trust me — the final result of this entire roller-coaster makes it all worth it!

Peace & Love,


(P.S. Did you recycle this week?)

via: http://tvwatch.people.com/2009/06/23/bachelorette-blog-jillian-on-wes-jake-and-her-wardrobe/


Anonymous said...

being Canadian... you should be aware that the proper term is Inuit, not eskimo

Anonymous said...

We hate Wes with a passion and it has reflected badly on you. As long as you end up with Jesse then you're off the hook. The others are creepy.

Anonymous said...

Kipton and Ed have been my favorites from the start. I am from Texas and I can assure you Wes does not have the manners of a true Texas guy! Did you ever ask him about the Austin music scene? Alot of fun as an observer, but not somewhere I would want my fiance or husband at all hours of the night.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved the date you had with Reid. It was simply perfect. Whats better than a guy who can laugh at himself, be humble and is ridiculously cute? You seem to be the most natural when you're with him, I sure hope that it will end that way<3 But if not, I hope you're still happy with whoever. Send Reid my way if you like<3

Anonymous said...

Hoping that Ed comes back for another round with you--he is so handsome and humble-- and there is nothing wrong with a man who has a responsible job and can take care of you when you have those kids that you've been talking about lately. I also love Kiptyn and hope he is not the one with the "romance" issues. Kiptyn would make a great Bachelor on his own accord if you don't choose him. I love the fact that they are picking people with personality instead of people that just look good on paper. It is time though that ABC have a person of color as the bachelor--I can't believe they never have done it thus far. I really enjoy the show and you deserve a great guy!

Anonymous said...

We love Reid here in Alberta. Being an Albertan, we think he is the perfect match for you. Your line of work suit each other. Him, being a realtor and you, being an interior designer. What could be better than that? But kidding aside, we really see the connection between you two. It's not as obvious and as palpable as with the others, but it' definitely there. We are truly praying he is the one for you. If not, then I hope you remain happy to this day with whoever it was you chose. We love you, nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

If she is from Alberta, why does she never seem to acknowledge it. It seems like she forgot where she is actually from.

Anonymous said...

I say go for Wes! He wants publicity, which you can give him and you want love, which he can give you through his songs. Perfect Match :)

He may have only come on the show for publicity initially BUT you know he has feelings for you now, so go for it! The longer he is on the show he will get the publicity and of course have more time to fall in love with you, so either way he wins... oops, not a competition so I mean either way you both get what you want.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... Wes? No, she should pick the 25 year old break dancer! He is the most fun and will keep her young and hip.

Wow, there sure are some characters on this season. I think she either doesn't like any, or already has her number 1 pick and is just keeping the rest around because she knows she will not fall for them and needs them for her own entertainment... hmmm... although she does seem to kiss a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jillian. I've been waiting for your episode 6 post...thanks! Yes, now that I read your recent thoughts on Wes, it makes more sense to me now. It must be painful for you to hear how he spoke on the show. I never saw a huge spark with you and Jake. "Perfect" to some, but if the connection is forced, it's forced. You enlighted me on an interview that I saw when you talked about how easy it was to fall for Jason- You spoke of how the frenzy made it easier. This makes sense. Seems that the group that is being subjected to a rose ceremony really wants to survive till the next one more than anything- not that your aren't a great catch. But I really appreciate the people who are looking to see if YOU are their right person as well. It's a two way street.
I enjoyed the cute banter that you had on your date with Reid-

Anonymous said...

I agree with your choices minus Wes...Hopefully you will see his true colors soon and get rid of him! I was explaining the same things to my cousin that you said about Wes as well....When he is with you he seems very in to you and no one has given you the heads up on what he is doing. Hopefully you listen to Jake next week, though I don't love it when "eliminated" bachelors return! Makes them look needy and desparate, I hope Jake isn't edited that way. Speaking of Jake, I LOVE HIM....but I understand why you let him go. After the initial one on one date with him things never progressed. Neither of you seemed relaxed and comfortable around each other, and I think you made the right choice. My top three are Kiptyn, Reid and Jesse for you....After the glacier date Jesse really came to the forefront I thought. Like Ed though too, if he comes back like the rumors say that would be interesting. I hope in the end you aren't as conflicted as the previews make you seem. Seems to me if the man you ultimately chose is "the one" then you wouldn't be quite as conflicted about your choice. Whatever happens ALL the Best to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

I heart you Jillian. I think you follow your own heart and intuition, just like me! What can I say, we ae two cool Vancouver chicks. BTW, I ran into a gal who said you went to school with her sister and she reported that you truly are just as sweet in real life as on TV.

Anonymous said...

Well Jillian, I must say that I am enjoying this season. I wish you the best and hope you find your husband. I think you will!! Good luck and I wish you all the happiness in the world. We rock here in Alberta!! Woo Hoo....lol

Anonymous said...

Kiptyn and Reid have to be my FAVORITES. good luck jillian. you are adorable.

Anonymous said...

WES is the kind of guy that is seriously going to hurt you in the end. You seem like a smart girl but honestly the fact you are keeping him around makes you seem really shallow.

Julie said...

Speaking of your wardrobe shortage..... I LOVE your style and EVERYTHING you wear! You are fabulous... Can you tell me where you got the grey and orange trimmed cardigan you wore with Ed last episode??? Here's rooten (sp) for Kiptyn or Ed.

Anonymous said...

I love love love reid! he is freaking cute and your kisses match. everyone else when they kiss you are way akward! but reid and your kisses are cute!!! i sure hope you picked him.

rightbrain said...

Ed is a hunk. A real man, A genuine man. Reid is adorable. and Kiypton is just not that into you.
Ed and you have the best chemisty but i fear you just want to get married, and arent' really aware beyond attraction and fun, and willingness to get engaged, you need and want.

Anonymous said...

Are you for real? You sleep with three guys on three consecutive nights...U knw there is a profession by this name!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about that stupid comment before about sleeping with 3 men!! You are single and looking for love and if you are not compatible in the bedroom, it would make for a boring life together!! You go!
Also if you don't pick Ed, can I have him?? :P