Reality Steve's Scandals and Predictions

Check out Reality Steve's blog today for the insider scoop on bachelor Jake, Chris Harrison lies and the Rozlyn scandal. His blog claims that the final four are: Tenley, Gia, Ali, and Vienna, and even predicts the winner.... At least Michelle is going home soon!

If true, Jake's final choice will SHOCK you! Don't click if you don't want to know.


Anonymous said...

I read Reality Steve's blog and if he is right (and he usually is...) I have NO interest in watching the rest of this season! The girl he says that Jake picks was my LEAST favorite of all 25 women.... I won't say because I don't want to ruin it for those who didn't read and don't want to know but really YUCK!

Anonymous said...

I would be shocked too! I was suprised she made it through the 1st round! BOO if it is true!

Anonymous said...

shes disgusting! whats wrong with Jake??? Something if he chose her, something is a little off with that pilot!!!

Anonymous said...


Mike said...

nah, i really don't think it will be vienna..

theres no way..

but i am hoping for ali. she is one of the few women who i feel is able to take on relationship hardships and deal with it, and correct it. some of the other women i feel, if faced with relationship difficulties will either stay neutral, give in, or even excape.

but to explain jake's elimination of the 4 women this week
(this is from a guys perspective)
jake already has a pretty clear idea of his top 2-3 women, and when come crunch time, he does not want other great potentials to distract him, he wants to stay focused. By eliminating these top potential wifes (but not very top women), his final decision will be easier to make, and will end with a long lasting relationship.

that is why i think vienna is still in the game. she poses no threat to him because she is not even one of the top potential wives he has in mind

just my take

Anonymous said...

Oh geez! Please let this be untrue. I was routing for Jake when Gillian dumped him. Now he has his chance, and what does he do? Choose this girl? Say it isn't so! Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Jake seems like a really great guy, but I find it unusual that a good looking pilot has had trouble finding true love. Most pilots have plenty of attractive, smart women chasing after them! Can't believe Vienna is in the final two. Something just doesn't make sense here.