According to Bachelor Spoilers, Courtney Robertson may be the one to watch this season. Courtney is a model and featured in the below commercial for Caesar’s Palace. She is also the girl in the Bachelor previews that is seen skinny dipping with Ben in future episodes.
Does Courtney make it to the final four? Is Ben Flajnik and Courtney engaged?
I cant believe Courtney Robertson is still on the show. I did not like her from the start. How she even got on the show in the first place is a shock. I do not think she is very attractive at all. I can't believe she is actually a model.?. She walks like an ape and licks her lips more than a monkey. She is a fake person who is only putting on a show to appease herself. Typical superficial model. I would have picked Shawntel!-(Who I think is Amazing!)-in a heartbeat and ten times over Courtney Robertson! Hope she isnt on the show too much longer! :)
OMG! She is an EVIL person and she isn't even pretty!!!! And was she born with some type of mouth deformity? It is so sad that Ben cannot see her for what she is, a truly horrible, self centered, evil, spoiled, thinks she is SO HOT b**ch!!!! He will be so sad when he watches the show and sees how she really is.
What is she? Some kind of puffer fish gasping for air? And I bet she stares at her face all day long, that way she can "manage" what I am sure would be a unibrow if she looked away for 1 day.
I see she was on that commercial where she is going to have a one night stand with the guy in Vegas....that seems like her speed. And NO! I am NOT jealous, I am a middle aged woman and would much rather look like me than that unattractive (inside and out) person
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Just saw the Bachelor after the baseball game... Courtney Robertson is such a self centered evil brat. She has a dillusional perspective in life. Women like her are the ones who give good women a bad reputation. I cannot imagine anyone who would actually be attracted to her.?. This is written from a Man too! She is one Ugly Duck!
If Courtney Robertson actually makes it to the end of the show that guy is a total dork. I cant stand her smug attitude, the woman actually makes me sick, I cant believe there are people like this in the world!?! I cant even watch the show any longer, it sucks seeing Courtney on it, this guy must be a real moron...
OMG She is so ugly! I don't see what he sees in her at all. She looks like a freaking neanderthal! None of the girls are that good looking but she is really one of the ugliest, just based on looks. If you add in personality she might be the ugliest person on the planet.
Unibrow bitch!
i have never met a girl who acts like her in my entire life and trust me im not sheltered.. She is so caniving and full of herself, shes nothing but a great big whore who exposes herself to being a slut on national television, this guy is crazy for liking her, i hope she realizes when this is over she'll be one of thee most hated ppl in america.. I think i'd rather be sent home than deal with a guy who gets sucked into somebody like that, they all should have walked off the show when they found out she layed out her goods, first to put out can and should be the first to go home!
Cortney Robertson is an ugly woman, how on earth did she ever get a modeling job.?. She is ugly inside and out... I cannot image her ever having a future in show biz she only makes people angry and sick to their stomach. She would seem to be more of the type of woman you would find working at a porn store...
I hope she gets kicked to the curb by someone out there. She UGLY both inside and out.
Cant believe Ben would have picked the ditzy school girl Courtney Robertson over Emily?!? He must be a real poor judge of character. Courtney Robertson is a wicked woman that I wouldnt even let do my dishes. She is an ugly model and now that I have seen her on the Jim Beam commercial I don't even want to buy Jim Beam anymore because she was on the commercial. I hope that she will not be in the spotlight long as she does not deserve it at all. Wonder how much money her daddy paid for her to get into a modeling career or how many people she slept with.?.
Courtney is a beautiful confident young women. I hope she wins Ben's heart and gets the ring. What man wants a meek little girl when he can have a sexy woman by his side!
Courtney Who???? Yep.... Good Riddens!
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