Jonathan Novack Blogs about ABC's Bachelor Pad!

Check out for The Weatherman's, Jonathan Novack's, blog about the Bachelor Pad.

Here is what the weather says "Elizabeth brought out her A-game on the beach.  I even believe she wanted to kiss Craig.  Jesse Kovacs, you've got your work cut out for you with this girl.  Good luck.  In spite of her saucy efforts, Craig gives the rose to Jessie S.  This is what's so interesting about this game.  Jessie S. doesn't seem to be in as good with the other girls as Elizabeth.  However, Jessie S. seems to have some strange, masochistic connection with Craig that could play out in his favor later on.  And even if he did give Elizabeth the rose, would she really have his back later?  Who knows?  My head just exploded..... Part of my strategy this first week was to try and avoid getting into a relationship, for the very reason that caused Kovacs so much stress.  If you want to befriend all the girls, you might not want to get involved seriously with one.  That whole Elizabeth debacle almost cost him his rose.  He really needed to think that through a little more.  He shot himself in the foot - with like, an AK-47. Poor Tenley getting locked in the bathroom with Michelle. That was just creepy. Tenley should have sang some songs to calm Michelle down. But Craig and Michelle had been talking quite a bit, from what I remember, so who knows what happened. It's all still just a bunch of rumors at this point." READ THE FULL BLOG POSTING HERE!

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