A great interview from tvfunspot.com with Jillian Harris:
tvfunspot.com: So when we talked at the end of the Bachelor you weren't sure that you wanted to do this. What was it that made you change your mind?
Jillian: Well, temptation I guess. It's just curiosity and having, getting the opportunity I think last time you asked me, I just had no idea that I would even have the opportunity. But once you get that little ticket and somebody says, "Do you want to give this a try?" I always thought well I'm still single, and last season was definitely hard, but I learned a lot about myself and what's the harm in giving it a shot.
Question: I know you can't tell us your situation now because it hasn't ended. But can you rate these guys? Do you think there might be somebody?
Jillian: Oh, I've learned my lesson. I do not rate the guys. But they're just very, they're all very different and they all make me feel differently, but I can tell you that they are wonderful guys, and I think I've made some really, really great choices.
Question: I got to ask you the first question that all of Calgary if not Canada wants to know. There's no Canadian guys in the running? How did you feel about that?
Jillian: I know, but you know I didn't know there was not going to be any, but when they all came out the first night, it was one of the first things that I thought. Then I sort of thought to myself, okay what if there were three or four Canadian guys. What are the chances that one of those guys would be the one that I choose? And also what are the chances, what's better for me to find a guy that maybe lives in Seattle or along the Western Coast or to find a guy who lives out in Toronto. I guess when I put it into perspective and I sort of thought, you know, I am a Canadian I am a very proud Canadian, but I've learned a lot that there's not a huge difference between American guys and Canadian guy so I'm okay with that.
Question: Okay and I have to ask you what do you eat on your hot dogs?
Jillian: Well I like to load it up but mustard and sauerkraut.
Question: Mike Fleiss told us that he talked to Melissa Rycroft and Molly before approaching you and I just wanted to see if you felt like third place or if you ever felt like a third choice?
Jillian: I was a third choice on last season. I know what that feels like. I'm comfortable with that. But no, in all honesty, it's like obviously there's going to be other people that are considered for this role and I'm not sure if you've read anything about my views on me being selected, but honestly I'm just a short little hyper quirky Canadian and I actually don't feel like I fit the mold of the Bachelorette very well. I was very surprised that they asked me. So it doesn't come as a surprise to me that they would have asked Melissa and Molly. They're both very beautiful, talented and outgoing personable girls. Also me being placed third on the Bachelor sort of naturally places either one of them as the natural choice. So no it doesn't make me feel like I'm third, it makes me feel really happy that they declined.
Question: You mentioned that your father's jaw dropped after the hot tub scene last season. The show really strongly insinuated that you and also the other contestants basically had relations with this guy and I just wanted to see if there was anything you wanted to clear the air about.
Jillian: Tim, I think that that's probably the most inappropriate question ever. I'm normally really a really open girl about all these kind of things. But I mean it's one of those things, that anybody can assume that I had a steamy make out session with Jason and I went in the hot tub. That him and I quote unquote "did it." And we can also assume that every Bachelor and Bachelorette in history has done it with those people, but unfortunately what you don't see on camera is what, and I think it's one of those things that it's like what if I turn the question on you and ask you if you had sex last night?
Question: And if that wasn't the case I wanted to give you a chance to clear the air if you wanted to or to not answer it, you know, there's no gun to your head.
Jillian: You know what it's like even if I had or hadn't I don't think that's a topic that I would even want to talk about. I give you huge credit for having the guts to ask that question because I know it's a question that everybody wants to ask, but I always find it really funny like a few people asked my mom that question after last season and my mom didn't know how to answer it and I just told her tell people it's inappropriate to ask that question. I think being a 30-year-old grown woman who is very successful in her career and has a great background, great morals and great values, people can take a look at me and who I am as a person - they're entitled to their opinion.
Question: I think my reason for asking is really knowing what we know now about Jason I think people, definitely our readers, view him negatively. When they believe that he had hooked up with three different women over the course of this. Knowing that two of them, at least probably two of them were going home.
Jillian: But what about all the other bachelors and bachelorettes?
Question: I'm not talking about them.
Jillian: I know yes, I honestly think that Jason is a really great guy. Whatever steamy make out session we had I don't feel like he led me on. He is going through the process to make sure that he makes the right choices. And sometimes a good steamy make out session with somebody can enlighten you and say you know what I didn't feel that spark that I was looking for. Don't get me wrong like, I'm not really offended. I was actually waiting for that question and it's funny how it fires me up because I am doing something that's very public and I am putting my love life on the line publicly. It's like let's say I had slept with Jason then I don't think that's anybody's business and let's say I hadn't slept with Jason and that also is nobody's business. I think that this is where I'm being really stubborn and I could say right now I did not sleep with him just to make myself look better, but I don't want to do that because I don't want for people to feel entitled for them to know that information. Sorry Tim, I'm sorry if I came over a little bit harsh but that's the one thing I feel really strongly about.
Question: Coming from a place like Peace River just sounds so interesting and exotic and so forth. Give us a little more of a feeling, did you grow up, did you spend your whole childhood in Peace River? And how did that form you as a person?
Jillian: I spent yes my whole childhood. I was born and raised in Peace River and I believe I moved out when I was about 19. Honestly I'm going to start to get teary-eyed just thinking about it, but I loved growing up there. It was full of being an old soul because you learn to communicate with people your own age and adults and you're always camping and fishing and spending time outdoors. A lot of family barbecues, I grew up in a town where I could stay out running around the woods till 7:00 or 8:00 at night and come home and nobody would be worried about me. I came from a town where my auntie lived right across the street and I could run down and say hi to her and have a coffee and nobody would worry about me. So, it's just it's a great, great little town and most of my friends and family still live there. I wish I was a lot closer that's for sure.
Question: You called yourself a short little quirky Canadian, how short are you and just give us an example of quirky?
Jillian: I am 5ft 2ins. Maybe 5ft 3ins on a good day and I think I'm just quirky because when it comes to sex appeal, I don't know how much I have. I love to make people laugh. I love to stand up for myself as you've just heard. I love speak what's on my mind, I love to find humor in everything. I'm just all about funny, you know I just love being funny and I love telling good jokes and making people laugh. I'm not afraid to look silly and to make fun of myself in order to make somebody else laugh.
Question: This season there were more bachelors on the show than ever before. Did you find the situation a little bit overwhelming?
Jillian: Oh my God, yes. I was overwhelmed when there was 25 guys and when the extra five came out, yes, I was very overwhelmed I didn't know how to react. You're spreading yourself thin if you've got one night to try to connect with 30 suitors and remember all their names and where they're from and what they do for a living. It's very hard.
Question: Part of the reason Jason chose Melissa first off was he said he had to, he kind of showed some reservations about choosing the wild card and taking that risk. Have you thought about how you're going to base your decision in the end and how have you made the decision so far in eliminating the bachelors?
Jillian: Well, I have to admit it's way harder than I thought. I have all these different things going through my mind. Do I pick the guy who has everything I want on paper? Do I pick the guy who makes me laugh and would be my best friend? Do I pick the guy who makes my heart go pitter patter? Do I pick the guy that everybody else likes or do I pick the guy I know America is going to love but not me? It's like so difficult to know how to choose the right person in the end and as you know I have not chosen that person yet, so I'm still struggling with that decision. But I think I'm just trying to look at all of those things I just told you and make sure that one of those four or five things are there and continue to spend time with them If I saw one of those guys walking down the street and I met them in a pub with peanuts on the floor would I be attracted to them? Would I want to call them the next day? Would I be excited for them to walk through the door 50 years from now? I think that's what I keep on trying to think of. It's hard to put yourself in that state of mind when you're in this beautiful tropical fairy tale paradise, but that's what I keep on telling myself.
Question: I was wondering in the initial meeting with the guys there was a guy named Brian from Oklahoma who swooped you up. Did that make a good impression?
Jillian: Oh, funny that you guys already know this stuff already because I have not seen anything, but yes I thought it made a good impression, I mean I think it was really cute and it was outgoing and he was taking a big risk in trying to stand out. So yes, just really as far first impressions are concerned as long as a guy isn't rude or negative then you're making a good impression whatever you're trying to do.
Question: Did you find it hard, well I'm sure you did find it hard, with 30 people when you actually had to cut 10 of them. I mean it wasn't like I didn't get to these, you know, three or four beyond, "hello, nice to meet you," you know, "what's your name?" It's 10 of them how do you eliminate 10 and I know you have to but?
Jillian: I actually and I might eat my words later…maybe after I get to know them after watching the show a little bit more those 10 guys…but I feel like that night I treated it almost like a job like I had to be on all the time, I had to be aware. I really feel like I got enough time and I did find it difficult and I felt like I was very exhausted. I don't even want say by the end of the night because it was pretty much morning by the time you're done that evening. The guys were all great, my problem as I've had this whole season, is this isn't Mr. Congeniality it's who is going to be best with quirky short Canadian Jill. So it was difficult for me to disappoint them but I've always, I've felt very confident in my decisions at every rose ceremony.
Question: What did you take into this season that you learned with Jason?
Jillian: Just to be open and vulnerable and to be myself. And by being myself it doesn't mean that I'm always making the right decisions or always reacting the way I would hope. You're juggling 15, 16, 20 guys and you break down and you cry or whatever being yourself, just be yourself. Do deal with the situation as it comes and try to have fun whenever you can. I think that's what I learned last season was I think I was so afraid to show emotion and I was so afraid to be vulnerable, that I may have sold myself short, and in this season, I'm definitely not doing that.
Question: I want to know if you have surprised yourself at who you've been attracted to because like you said you can kind of see on paper what you want. But then when you actually meet somebody things can surprise you. Have you gotten that at all?
Jillian: Absolutely, I mean like I said before there are guys that I would keep because they're exactly what I want on paper, but maybe they don't make me feel the way I should.
Then there's the guys that make me feel the way I should but they're nothing of what I wanted on paper. And it's definitely confusing but I have for sure surprised myself. With the feelings that I have with the guys that are left is really the ultimate goal, so I have had to kind of throw that piece of paper away.
Question: Okay and I love your hot dog theory. Did you employ that at all with the guys that are still left in the competition?
Jillian: Oh, these guys give me a run for my money and they're not buying the whole hot dog thing. So I tried, I've tried to play the hot dog thing on them but they're not buying it. So we've had a little bit of fun with it and they all, they definitely know what my favorite foods are by now and they know why I love mustard and I love hot dogs. But other than that it hasn't, I don't think I'll be the hot dog girl this season.
Question: I'm just wondering given all that happened with Jason and the enormous criticism he came under last season and your answer to that earlier question. Why the hell do you want to put your romantic life out there in front of millions of people every week?
Jillian: Right, yes and I start finding myself getting heated when answering the questions. Then I kind of thought to myself, right, I did put myself in this situation. That's the one question I don't feel like is appropriate. But I'm putting my romantic life out there on public, not my sex life or anything like that. I think that I am, I, like I said believe, I'm successful. I have great values, great morals. I'm a family girl. I volunteer for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I'm not here to date and mess around with 30 guys. I'm here to hopefully find the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and that is a very, very serious thing for me. If I have to go through the same criticism that Jason went through, and maybe even make the same bad decisions, I hope that I don't, but I'm here to find that person and I'm really serious and very passionate about it. So to be in the public eye for a couple of months in order to find a lifelong happiness for me is totally worth it.
Question: Given the show’s track record for successful relationships, do you feel like you're on the right track?
Jillian: Well, trust me, neither does the dating scene back home – it doesn't have the best track record either. I can tell you that if I walked down the street and I bumped into any of the guys that I have left right now, I strongly believe that I would, my jaw would drop to the floor, I would go home in a mad panic and wonder what I should do next. How I should call this person what I should wear to the next date. And I probably would end up being with one of those people for a long time. I can't tell you whether it would end in marriage, but all of the people that I have left are remarkable people that I have not met anybody like these guys.
Question: I was wondering now that the tables are turned what has been the best thing about being the Bachelorette so far?
Jillian: Other than the fact that I'm sitting on my balcony watching the waves roll in in Hawaii? I think the best part is, oh boy, I think well I think I've learned so much about myself last season. But it's hard not wearing the pants I guess. You know last season it was hard to remember that I still have to do what's best for me, but this season, I think I'm even realizing more who I am and what sort of qualities I have to give and what qualities I'm looking for and I get to make those calls. And I get to make those shots. I also feel like I haven't lived in the shoes of anybody else who has done this, but I feel like I've been really open and really honest and sometimes too honest. And I've really encouraged the guys to do the same thing. I feel like I've had a really open mind with all the guys, somebody tells me something that's really surprising and really shocking. As long as they are honest and as long as they're trying to put themselves out there. There's nothing bad you could say. So I think that's what I love about doing it this time is that I'm writing the story and I think it's a lot of fun.
Question: Absolutely, so do you and Jason are you still friends? Do you remain friends and keep in touch?
Jillian: Well, I made a conscious decision when I the day I decided to do this. Jason actually was helping me quite a bit make up my mind to do this. He is somebody that I talked to and he really supported me and Melissa supported me and all the other girls supported me. But when I knew I made the decision and when I realized okay I'm making the decision to find somebody new and I had to sort of cut off my relationship with Jason. But it's temporary, and I will definitely be friends with him after all this is over. I know how people view him but he followed his heart and he made a huge move and he put his reputation on the line. But it's for love and I feel like right now they're still together and they're still happy, so hopefully they'll prove everybody wrong.
Question: If if Jason and Molly were to get married would you go?
Jillian: Oh, that's a good question, okay so this is a part of me that's really open and honest. I feel like if this goes the way I want it to go and I am in a I guess the romantic place that I want to be I think I would go for sure. I can't imagine me showing up to their wedding solo. But yes, I would go if I find what I'm looking for, I would go and I don't know why that makes a difference but I'm just being honest, that's how I feel. I would have a hard time showing up solo but if I find someone I'll go.
Question: I was actually just wondering have you ever had guys vying for your affection in high school or grade school or anything like that? Obviously not 30 guys at once but several?
Jillian: Honestly, I don't think so I mean my friends will probably be yelling at me right now if they were sitting here saying "yes you have,” but I've had a lot of relationships and I've dated a lot of really great guys. In high school I was sort of the class clown I think. I wasn't really, yes I think I always had one solid boyfriend I never dated a lot and in the last five years I'd say the roster has been really dry.
Question: Now you mentioned several times how you really enjoy the quirky aspect of your personality, you're proud of it. Are you hoping to find a guy who is just as quirky and unique. Maybe has, you know, little weird habits and things like that?
Jillian: Well I think I was hoping for that and I've been learning so much about myself in the last couple of years. I definitely know that it's hard for me to be with somebody that is as quirky and sort of bubbly as me because it's a lot of energy in a room and it probably would give us both a headache. I need somebody who embraces it and who finds humor in it and who also has some humor and some of their own quirky characteristics for sure. I definitely don't want perfection, I'm not looking for perfection.
Question: Have you ever had a boyfriend that just had like a really weird habit that you were, able to accept just because you do seem like a very accepting person?
Jillian: Well since I've since broken up with all of them or they've broken up with me I don't know. There was one boyfriend that I dated and he loved EBay, like loved EBay and he knows who he is he's probably going to kill me right now, but anything to do with EBay. He and I bought all his clothes on EBay and I thought it was really cute and he actually got me hooked on it for the longest time. But it was one of those things, it's like it's weird, but I think that's what makes everybody unique and different. To me is what's really attractive is if somebody can say this is who I am yes it's a bit strange but it's me.
Question: So do you get swept up in the moment? When you're in a romantic setting can you think level headedly?
Jillian: Honestly, I mean I don't know if anybody will believe me when I say this, but I think it works, I think I would have an easier time falling in love and being swept of my feet if I was back in my home town or their home town. I feel like when I'm in this beautiful place because you are getting swept off your feet. It's harder to think about reality, like I'll go up to my room and shut all the curtains and think to myself who do I see coming through the door after a long day of work? After being married for 25 years? Who do I see comforting me after, when I lose somebody down the road or who do I see on my wedding day or just those normal those fixing my tire when it's broken. So being here in Hawaii and we've been to Spain - has been so amazing and so wonderful. But I'm a very cautious person with all this I take it very seriously. I'm sort of like okay put the palm trees and beauty and the coconuts and mahitais aside, just look at the person just for who they are. I don't think that any of this is distracting me at all.
Question: I'm kind of intrigued by this Texan who is a financial analyst. But anyway his name is Tanner P. He said immediately he was obsessed with your feet. Could you elaborate on that a little?
Jillian: I can't elaborate on it too much, but Tanner has a foot fetish and he loves feet and I think it was really cute. I mean I don't really love my feet, my one toe is longer than the other toes and they're wrinkly. But he found them really beautiful, so yes, I mean he's a doll. So I think that his foot fetish was really cute.
Question: So you didn't mind that at all?
Jillian: No, like you say these are the quirky things that make people unique and make people stand out, and I love it when people embrace their differences. I love it when people can say like I have a foot fetish and that's me. I love that I think that's very attractive.
Question: I know it's hard to remember but were there any other Texans that stood out at the very beginning?
Jillian: There was actually quite few Texans. There was Bobby and there was Wes and there was Tanner we just talked about and there was Jake and all of those guys are really incredibly guys and I don't know if it's the water down there. Or the country music but you guys are doing something right.
Question: I was just going to say touching on, you know, the world of hurt that's possible with reality TV with the backlash against Jason and the current situation with Jon & Kate Plus 8. What thoughts have you given to reconciling your life basically being other people's entertainment?
Jillian: Well I'm going to be perfectly honest that is something that I do think about a lot. I'm a people pleaser and so naturally I want everybody to like me. It's really scary but like I said before my the possibility of me finding somebody and this whole experience…just all the guys that I've met and the places I've traveled and the feelings that I've had, make it worth it. I hope that the Jill that I know that is open and honest and vulnerable and sincere and wants to make people laugh and wants to be a good person is the person that you guys see. I also hope that if I make a decision or I react a way that people think isn't appropriate or that people want to judge, I just hope that everybody can put themselves in my shoes and know that I am aware that I am not perfect. I'm okay with that and I believe the everybody is entitled to their opinions but before making an opinion, they would put themselves in my shoes. It's scary because I embrace my imperfections I look at everybody who is in the limelight and who is in those tabloids including Jason and that scandal with the Jon Plus 8 and all it does is make me realize that everybody makes mistakes - nobody is perfect. I just have to go out there with that mindset and hope that people just appreciate me for that. I am one of those people that they always say that when you're one of the contestants, you're the underdog. Everybody loves you but when you're the Bachelorette or Bachelor and you're wearing the pants you are judged more. I am very aware of that and I am scared of that, but I signed up for this and I'm just going to own it and I'm going, I haven't made a decision yet that I regret. But I can't say that I haven't made any bad decisions, so I'm just going to deal with it and cross my fingers and hope that I represent myself well.
Question: And speaking of decisions, hypothetically speaking if there is no commitment, love match are you willing not to choose one of the guys because there's got to be tons of pressure for the fairy tale ending on this?
Jillian: Yes that's something I've been thinking about a lot and as you know broadcast live there's no there's nobody saying that I have to get engaged. That's something again it's like the whole being traveling and getting swept off my feet. I don't want to get engaged or commit myself to somebody just because I signed up for this. I want to commit myself to them because I'm crazy about them and that is one thing I'm sure that in the end if you do see me choosing somebody. Or you do see me not choosing somebody I'll be making that decision not because I'm the Bachelorette but because those are my true feelings. That's something that I've thought about. The two things that you've just brought up is - what if I don't find somebody and what everybody says to me after this is over - those are my two biggest concerns. But you miss 100% of shots you don't take, right, Wayne Gretsky? You just have to go out there and give it a shot and see what happens.
Question: As a Canadian girl you probably haven't dated a lot of Americans. What do you find attractive about them?
Jillian: You know people are people, and they are really not that much different than Canadians. I can say that they are more forward but maybe I'm just seeing a more forward side of them because of the position that they're in. One of the hardest things I found dating back home is, and maybe it's me too, is that everybody just tries to be so chill and be your friend and like, "Hey dude what's up?" And it's hard to put yourself out on the line and say, "I like you I want to date you.” I felt like for me that didn't happen a lot back home so other than that these American guys were tons of fun. I don't know aside from accents, there's a lot of different accents - which I can't judge because I've got one myself.
Question: Have you watched Melissa on Dancing With The Stars, have you voted for her and what are your thoughts about her being on the show?
Jillian: I haven't been able to watch her. I mean I don't know if anybody knows how crazy the schedule is here, but there's not a lot of time for any TV watching. I don't think I've turned a TV on, I've turned a TV on maybe once since I started all of this. But I have been keeping my eye on her and I've been asking a lot and I know that she is in the semi-finals. I miss her so much, I cannot wait to see her after all this is over. I'm so proud of her, I can't wait to see her and I know she's doing well.
Question: In the event you didn't find love on the show would you be willing to go on Dancing With The Stars also?
Jillian: No, oh my God, no, I am the worst dancer in the world. I could not do anything to do with dancing or singing. No, I would, no, if I was a good dancer, yes I would go. I would go on Dancing With The Stars. My coordination - I think you better wait and watch the season - I think there's a few times where I'll show you I'm not a good dancer. Let's choose something else maybe that has to do with interior design maybe I would do that.
Question: The women have had the only success - the Bachelorette has had some success and Bachelor hasn't had any. Do you think that's just coincidence or is there a reason? Is it possible that the women are a little better at being in a selecting position?
Jillian: Oh, I don't think it's a coincidence I think women are a lot smarter than men when it comes to this kind of thing. That's going to be my shortest answer today.
Question: You said something about interior designing and you know we've got a ton of those shows in the U.S. we got a ton of good new reality interior design shows. When this is all done would you be interested in doing one of those shows that?
Jillian: I love my job that I have right now. I do restaurant design and I love everything to do with my job, but would I do would I take on a reality show that had to do with interior design? I think that would be another incredible opportunity and I would love. I think that I would love to do something like that, but I'm not here to find a career in the TV industry. I would be more than thrilled to go back to my regular life and do my restaurant design and work nine to five. But I'm pretty open to all those possibilities for sure.
via: http://www.tvfunspot.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9817
does anyone have the link to her website or myspace page?
This is Jesse's info
Good interview but very long Jillian!
I'm not sure who my f4 are yet. she likes cowboy guys??
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